Our GPU Multi-Strategy
Our model is 24x more profitable than BTC mining per $ of CAPEX.
Profitability calculation per Node (18 RTX 4090 GPUs)
BTC Mining vs $APU
Our proprietary GPU optimization code increases the performance of GPUs by 60%.
Our GPU Key Stats
$2,400 sticker price (up 20%!)
$4,094/ea cost of complete system
Generates $0.69/hr gross = $16.5/day
Consumes 450 Watts at 100% load
Approx $1.73/day in electricity cost per GPU
Retains 50% resale value for 3yrs
Est. $8,942 gross revenue or $6,066 net profit in that timeframe which is 68% net margin
180 Teraflops of Performance
RTX 4090 GPU model preferred
Double Declining Balance Depreciation Schedule
Our Advantages
Our nodes are significantly cost efficient and has higher performance than whats available in the market. Our Nodes are up to:
90% more cost efficient than Amazon's EC2/A100
77% more cost efficient than Lambda
40% more cost efficient than RunPod or Vast.ai
Our proprietary GPU optimization code increases the performance of GPUs by 60%
Main Benefits
B2B Contracts and Open Market Contracts buy side demand is secured
Capital Management Formed
GPU purchase executed via bank transaction, GPUs placed under special Management via Operating Agreement
GPUs provided to B2B client for a monthly fee, hosted at agreed upon site
Other Benefits:
Inflation Hedge
Upside exposure to AGI
Can power internal Research and Development
Pass-thru Depreciation “carry” shields income gains
Strong asset protection + collateral features
Last updated